William Wycherley. The Country Wife.
Oliver Goldsmith. She Stoops to Conquer. See study guide here.
Oscar Wilde. The Importance of Being Earnest.
Dryden. MacFlecknoe,
"Ode for St Cecilia's Day," "Ode on the Death of Mr Henry
Purcell," "Alexander's Feast," "Song to a Fair Young Lady
Going out of the Town in the Spring."
Pope. "Ode on Solitude," "Epistle to Miss
Blount on Her Leaving the Town after the Coronation," The Rape the Lock. A study guide for The Rape of the Lock can be found here.
Gray. "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard,"
"Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat," "The Bard." For further
information and edited texts cf. The Thomas Gray Archive.
Cowper. "The Poplar-Field," "Walking with
God," "To Mary" ("The twentieth year…"), "Lines
Written in a Period of Insanity," "The Solitude of Alexander
Burns. "My Father Was a Farmer," "To a
Mouse," "My Heart's in the Highlands," "John Anderson My
Jo," "Mary Morison," "Tam o' Shanter," "The Jolly
Beggars," "My Luve is Like a Red Red Rose," "Holy Willie's
Macpherson (Ossian). "Conlath and Cuthona."
Downloadable here.
Blake. From Songs
of Innocence: "Introduction," "The Lamb," "The
Little Black Boy," "The Chimney Sweeper," "The Divine
Image," "Holy Thursday." From Songs of Experience: "Introduction," "Earth's
Answer," "Holy Thursday," "The Chimney Sweeper,"
"The Sick Rose," "The Garden of Love," "The
Tyger," "Ah! Sun-flower," "London." Selection from The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.
Two short verse
passages. Looking at Blake's illustrations is necessary if you wish
to have an all-round impression of his art and poetry as complementary forms of
expression. Cf. The William Blake Archive.
Wordsworth & Coleridge. Selection
from Lyrical Ballads. You
may wish to consult the official homepage of Lyrical Ballads here.
Wordsworth. "I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud,"
"The Solitary Reaper," "Intimations of Immortality."
Coleridge. "Kubla Khan," "The Rime of the
Ancient Mariner," "Dejection: An Ode."
Byron. Don Juan
(Dedication and Canto I). "On this Day I Complete My Thirty-Sixth
Year," "Prometheus," "She Walks in Beauty," "So
We'll Go No More A-Roving."
Shelley. "A Defence of Poetry," "Mont
Blanc," "Ozymandias," "England in 1819," "The
Indian Serenade," "Ode to the West Wind," "To a
Skylark," "The Cloud." A study guide to "A Defence of
Poetry" can be found here.
Keats. "La Belle Dame Sans Merci," "After
Dark Vapours…" "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer,"
"When I Have Fears that I May Cease to Be" (see study guide here), "Ode on a
Grecian Urn," "Ode to a Nightingale," "To Autumn."
From his letters: To George and Tom Keats, 21/27 December 1817 (on
"Negative Capability"); To J. H. Reynolds, 3 May 1818 (on Wordsworth
and the "egotistical sublime"); To Richard Woodhouse, 27 October 1818
(on the "unpoetical" nature of the Poet).
Dante Gabriel Rossetti. "The Blessed Damozel."
See Rossetti's painting of the same title here.
Tennyson. "The Lady of Shalott," "The
Beggar Maid," "Crossing the Bar." Check the internet for paintings
based on "The Lady of Shalott" and "(King Cophetua and) The
Beggar Maid."
Browning. "My Last Duchess," "A Toccata
of Galuppi's."
Elizabeth Barrett Browning. "How Do I Love
Arnold. "Dover Beach."
Addison. The
Spectator, Nos. 10, 69, 81, 592.
Steele. The Tatler, Nos. 181, 263. The Spectator, Nos. 51, 454.
Defoe. Robinson
Swift. "A Modest Proposal."
Fielding. Tom
Sterne. A
Sentimental Journey.
Austen. Pride and
Emily Brontë. Wuthering
Charlotte Brontë. Jane
Dickens. Great
Hardy. Tess of the